Photography is more than a hobby or a profession for me. It is a way of appreciating and expressing the subtle nuances of life that are revealed by light.
I see beauty everywhere, and I strive to create images that reflect the harmony and melody of the world around me.
But my interests are not limited to photography. I also enjoy creating geometric patterns and expressing myself through writing. These activities allow me to explore different aspects of my creativity and challenge myself in various ways.
Art is that blue womb I inhabit. That blue womb where my soul gestates endlessly. It is the place where I can express myself freely, without fear or judgment. It is the place where I can explore my emotions, my thoughts, my dreams. It is the place where I can create something meaningful, something unique. Art is that blue womb I inhabit. And I never want to leave it.
Regina Mester
A fotografia é mais do que um hobby ou uma profissão para mim. É uma forma de apreciar e expressar as nuances sutis da vida que são reveladas pela luz.
Vejo beleza em tudo e tento criar imagens que reflitam a harmonia e a melodia do mundo ao meu redor.
Mas meus interesses não se limitam à fotografia. Também gosto de criar padrões geométricos e me expressar através da escrita. Essas atividades me permitem explorar diferentes aspectos da minha criatividade e desafios.
A arte é aquele ventre azul que eu habito. Aquele ventre azul onde minha alma gesta continuamente. É o lugar onde posso me expressar livremente, sem medo ou julgamento. É o lugar onde posso explorar minhas emoções, meus pensamentos, meus sonhos. É o lugar onde posso criar algo significativo, algo único. A arte é aquele ventre azul que eu habito. E eu nunca quero sair dele.
Regina Mester

Portrait Photography
Photographic portraits fascinate me. They are more than just images. They are glimpses into the soul. Portraits are a powerful way to capture the essence of a person.
Os retratos fotográficos me fascinam. Eles são mais do que apenas imagens. São uma maneira poderosa de capturar a essência de uma pessoa. São vislumbres das almas.

Street Photography
I enjoy street photography because it allows me to document the everyday scenes and emotions of people in urban settings. I try to capture the spontaneous moments that reveal the beauty, diversity and complexity of life on the streets. Here are some of my street photography works.
Gosto de fotografia de rua porque me permite documentar cenas e emoções cotidianas de pessoas em ambientes urbanos. Tento captar os momentos espontâneos que revelam a beleza, a diversidade e a complexidade da vida nas ruas. Aqui estão alguns dos meus trabalhos desse projeto.
About me
I am a person who dreams about a better world. A world where people can live in harmony, where diversity is celebrated, where justice is upheld, where poverty is eradicated, when wars do not exist, where nature is respected and the real truth is revealed to everyone. The truth is a powerful force that can shatter the illusion we live in. It will liberate us from our fears, it will heal us, inspire us, empower us. No more deception or lies that manipulate the public opinion or serve hidden agendas. The truth should be revealed, even if it is inconvenient or uncomfortable for some. Only by facing the reality can we hope to solve the problems and challenges that we face as a society.
Sou uma pessoa que sonha com um mundo melhor. Um mundo onde as pessoas possam viver em harmonia, onde a diversidade seja celebrada, onde a justiça seja mantida, onde a pobreza seja erradicada, quando as guerras já não mais existam, onde a natureza seja respeitada e a verdade seja revelada a todos. A verdade é uma força poderosa que pode quebrar a ilusão em que vivemos. Ela nos libertará de nossos medos, nos curará, nos inspirará, nos empoderará. Portanto, chega de enganos ou mentiras que manipulam a opinião pública ou servem agendas ocultas. A verdade deve ser revelada, mesmo que seja inconveniente ou desconfortável para alguns. Somente confrontando a realidade seremos capazes de resolver os problemas e desafios que enfrentamos na sociedade.
Some of my poetry
I was born in Porto Alegre, a southern Brazilian city. I developed a passion for writing poems and short stories at a young age. I was fascinated by the people I observed, their actions and emotions, and how I could capture them in vivid language. I imagined myself as a director of a symbolic spectacle on paper. My writing style is eclectic and reflects the different aspects of myself that I want to express. My inspiration is not a fleeting moment, it is a constant presence - it dwells in my spirit.
Eu nasci em Porto Alegre, no sul do Brasil. Desde criança, eu gosto de escrever poemas e estórias. Durante a minha infância, eu observava as pessoas, suas emoções e ações, e imaginava como eu poderia representá-las em linguagem criativa. Eu me via como a produtora desses momentos observados e capturados no papel. Meu estilo de escrita é variado e reflete os diferentes aspectos de mim mesma que quero expressar. Minha inspiração não é um momento passageiro, é uma constante - ela habita em meu espírito.
Wake up
They keep us divided by inequality
Gender, race, social status, technology
Feeding on our Misery they are
- Constantly -
They promote inversion and fear
To advance their agenda
And inimically smear
Their hostile witchery
Against humanity
[Total Insanity we see]
- What can not be spoken freely -
They commit serious crimes
Atrocities beyond human comprehension
In complete secrecy
Laughing at the world’s inattention
While pornographically simulating
Their false “Democracy”
They hold a shadow government
They operate with symbols
They orchestrate world events
To keep us unaware
Of our own enslavement
If we keep distracted
‘We dream their dream spell’
And while the world sleeps
They meticulously plan
Our future hell
[[[[ wake up ]]]
Regina Mester
The entire world is welcome to witness
The collapse of their Babylonian 'Prophecy'
The one painted with total pain and misery
For the People
[[[apocalypse not happening]]]
Their hidden agenda Is rising to the periphery
Showing openly their weighty monstrosity
And too many can already see
Their crimes against humanity
[[[this is the Great Awakening]]]
Their 'symbology' is everywhere
Not mere coincidence - It is valid evidence
If we care to pay attention
Aware we unveil their slimy trail
[[[a serpentine spit]]]
They have infiltrated every aspect of our society
Their lawless money bags are growing
Throwing us into the abysm
Promoting their Big Pharma
Our suicidal 'medical karma'
Their ultimate sadism
The chemtrails above our heads
Their weather modification
Their vile gene transformation
Their parasitism, their predation
And the perpetration
Of their 'New World Order'
[[[crumbling before our eyes]]]
Their horrific experiments underground
Are mad and medieval
Their ritual sacrifices
When rolling their dices
To pick the next victim
Are the epitome of evil
The soulless paedophilia they enjoy
Is despicably abhorrent
Imposed on the innocent
How dare you!
Their mocking pretence
Is semi-transparent
Their secrecy incoherent
Their idolatry is sinful
[[[they worship the beast]]]
Their GMOs
Their fake media
Their manipulated encyclopaedia
Their godless occult ceremonies
Opening portals to hell
Emitting deadly frequencies
They are a very noxious cartel
[[[wake up]]]
Time to end this parody
No more tyranny!
[[[let's clean the swamp]]]
We the people will Fight
Day and Night
We will Unite
And take our Freedom back
[[[this is our CALL]]]
‘Where We Go One We Go All
Regina Mester
Soul harvest
When I reach out into the Cosmos
With its clear splendour
I pray for God to unveil
What awaits to be seen revealed
And my loudest scream crawls back
Trying to preserve my immortal soul
Swiftly departing from its captivity
'It remains colossally
Craving to know the ‘unknown’
Whilst still rooted
To the greatest confusion of endless confusions'
I've never been so close to the truth!
And yet so desperately lost!
Will I benignantly be fixed one day?
When Earth becomes part of Heaven?
When darkness turns into light?
Will I be allowed to see God at last?
And be purified perhaps?
Replenished? Recharged? Reloaded?
And truly recognise me then?
What for?
To become again
Another unrecognisable 'me'?
Why not!
Do I even have a choice?
Regina Mester